Current and past students have taken advantage of the following internship and training opportunities. These opportunities are competitive and are based on R&D needs at the sponsoring companies and institutes.
Participating labs for MS in Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Children’s National Hospital
- Dr. Wei Li - Genome engineering, single-cell genomics
- Dr. Kazue Hashimoto-Torii – Neurobiology
- Dr. Deepa Rastogi - Obesity-related asthma
- Dr. Hiroki Morizono - Computational Biology
GW Department of Physics
- Dr. Weiquin Peng – Genomics
Argentys Informatics LLC
National Institutes of Health
- Upon Request
Seven Bridges Genomics
US Food and Drug Administration
- Upon Request
WHISE Embleema
Training Opportunities at GW Core Facilities
Core facilities at universities and industries provide cutting-edge technologies for research and development. This makes such facilities a great place to learn valuable marketable skills. Students during their first semester can contact core directors at the following facilities to inquire if there are any volunteer or paid opportunities.
- Research Pathology Core Laboratory
- Nanofabrication and Imaging Center
- Animal Research Facility
- Flow Cytometry Core Facility
- Biorepository
- Biostatistics Center
- McCormick Genomic and Proteomic Center
- Biomarker Discovery and Analysis Facility
Collaborative Research Opportunities at the FDA
MS students can train at the US Food and Drug Administration to learn more about Regulatory Science research in bioinformatics and genomics. One key project that many bioinformatics students currently are involved with is the High-performance Integrated Virtual Environment (HIVE). HIVE is a cloud-based environment optimized for the storage and analysis of extra-large data, such as biomedical data, clinical data, next-generation sequencing (NGS) data, mass spectrometry files, confocal microscopy images, post-market surveillance data, medical recall data, and many others. HIVE provides secure web access for authorized users to deposit, retrieve, annotate, and compute Big Data, and to analyze the outcomes using web user interfaces. Please contact Dr. Raja Mazumder (mazumder [at] (mazumder[at]gwu[dot]edu(link sends e-mail))) for details.