The Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) is proud to announced Sabyasachi Sen, MD, PhD as one of the four winners of the Technology Maturation Awards (TMAs) for the 2024 academic year.
Each project received $50,000 internal research funding for a period of 12 months. This funding will facilitate the development of their technologies through proof-of-concept, prototyping, or scale-up work, bringing them closer to commercialization and increasing their attractiveness to potential business partners.
Sabyasachi Sen, MD, PhD is developing a next generation of his stem cell therapy for diabetic kidney disease. The current iteration uses stem cells that have temporarily silenced p53 gene, which confers the ability for them to survive in the high glucose environment of the diabetic kidney.
This award will enable validation of improvements to the product design that will make manufacturing, administration, and quality control more efficient and reliable.
Congratulations to all the winners! They designed meaningful development plans promising to drive these innovations from the lab to the world. We eagerly anticipate the positive impacts that will emerge from this work.